Thursday 4 February 2016

Elm Cottage

I'm writing to you from a supposedly haunted cottage, where I'll be catsitting for the week. When my grandmother lived here, the attic housed her extensive antique doll collection. They frightened and fascinated me as a child. She'd always intended for them to be passed on to me, but sadly had to sell them to relieve debts near the end of her life. She instructed me to go to the attic and select one to keep before they went to auction. An old wind-up clown toy set itself off - classic horror movie fare, though for some reason I wasn't particularly unnerved by it.

Ever since she moved the dolls into the attic, strange things have happened in the cottage. Things have gone missing only to reappear in the same spot, footsteps have been heard ascending the staircase before vanishing at the top, and perhaps most frighteningly, people have been yanked out of bed in the night. Paranormal investigators suggested the spirit of a mischievous child was attached to one of the dolls in the attic, and they had the house blessed. Apparently, nothing unusual has been reported since then.

The only strange thing that's happened to me so far is a loud crash on the stairs and a television turning on by itself. Nothing particularly supernatural, and I'm not sure if I'm relieved or disappointed. Either way, I'm relishing the silence.

Outfit details:
dress - vintage
cardigan - charity shop

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