Friday 1 August 2014

Am I Anita Pallenberg yet?

For the past few months, I've been working a few days a week in an office dominated by men. It's not a huge deal, and I hadn't really paid it much attention. Until the table tennis table arrived. And with it, strangely, came the sex bias.

A table tennis championship has been arranged, and in the meantime, little breaks throughout the day have been sanctioned in order to practise. Very serious business, this table top malarkey. Being the celebrated school Table Tennis Champion 2008 (*cough cough*), I was excited. Time to show these losers what I can do, right? Wrong. I'm not invited. Because I'm a woman. 

Yep, you read that right. Women have been banned from the competition because we're "shit at all sports". Wouldn't be any point allowing us to enter the contest, apparently, because we'd just get our hearts broken when we lose to the tough, macho men, as we inevitable will.

Obviously, I felt outraged. Sexism in both the office and sports is well documented, but seriously? I made up my mind there and then not only to force my way into the competition, but to kick each of their asses and be crowned Table Tennis Victor, Sexism Conqueror, and All Round Queen.

Watch this space.

PS: I swear I took that rubbish on the side out straight after these were taken, haha!

Kimono; Topshop
Top; Halloween costume
Shorts, shoes; New Look
Rings; Topshop, Primark

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