Tuesday 17 May 2016

I'd rather be a forest than a street

I'm starting a new job on Monday. Marketing. Eek. I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, a nine-to-five gives me evenings and weekends free, and it comes with perks like actually getting to sit down and a break. I'll also get paid to write, as there's a focus on copywriting, incidentally making me feel a little bit Peggy Olson. On the other, I've always kind of looked down on the profession. Like Peggy's ex, Abe, I suppose. Why is my life starting to resemble an episode of Mad Men (I wish)? I've already started thinking about Joan's wardrobe... I feel like manipulating people's emotions to get them to buy stuff they potentially don't need is way out of line with my values. It's something I said I'd never do. Yet it's an independent, family-run business selling internet access and network solutions, not a pharmaceutical giant trying to pawn off expensive anti-wrinkle cream onto insecure women, you know? But that doesn't change the fact that I want to do something more meaningful, honest, spiritually satisfying.

I could use the money, anyway. Why, I hear absolutely nobody ask? Because I just bought myself a ticket to Desert Trip. I'm knocking a few items off my bucket list in one swoop: see Paul McCartney, see the Rolling Stones, and go to California. I got my tickets last week, and I'm starting to realise how reckless it was. What kind of person impulsively throws away their life savings to follow a bunch of ageing musicians halfway across the world? What kind of person goes camping alone in a desert, surrounded by scorpions, tarantulas and who knows what else, having never even camped in her back garden? Note: I just Googled the spiders - seriously considering selling my ticket. 

I've dreamed of California my whole life. I'm thinking seven days in Los Angeles, followed by the festival in the Coachella Valley. I could go back to Hogsmeade, this time via Hollywood instead of Orlando, and make my life great again by going back on the Forbidden Journey ride. I only had enough time to ride it once in Florida. I don't know if I've complained about that enough. Speaking of Harry Potter, as luck would have it, I could only get Desert Trip tickets for weekend two. You know what else is taking place on weekend two, continents away? The performance of Cursed Child I have tickets for. Damn it. The West End will have to wait.

outfit details:
blouse, skirt - vintage
waistcoat - charity shop
bolo - Ark

title lyric: El Condor Pasa - Simon & Garfunkel

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