Monday 31 October 2016


Halloween is tied with Christmas for my favourite holiday, though I enjoy them all. I've always been attracted to the macabre and the creepy, and wait all year round for it to become mainstream.  Not that I'm desperate to fit in, but it certainly makes things easier. Sort of like how the dead can walk freely on All Hallows' Eve. When else are cockroach earrings, cauldrons, black roses, and snake candelabras widely available for purchase? This time of year is perfect for investing in home decor.

I'm not sure why I'm as morbidly inclined as I am. It could be to do with my paternal grandmother - as a child, she'd tell me she was a witch, and like me, relished in the delightfully ghoulish. She definitely had more than a little Morticia in her - she once concocted a dessert laced with a litre of double cream to test whether her husband really was allergic (he was). Oh, and she confessed to murder on her death bed. We think it was the morphine... hopefully...

Happy Halloween!

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