These are so overdone, aren't they? Always someone showing off their designer handbag, filled with cute but random shit you know they don't normally carry around. Sigh. Yet, here I am with one of my own.
I mentioned earlier in the week that I flew to France for the weekend recently. I'm always panicking about what to put in my in-flight bag, so for anyone who does the same: here's my guide.
1. Forever 21 bucket bag. I couldn't find the actual one online, but this one from Mansur Gavriel is almost identical (and much more expensive). I tend to use a fashion bag rather than a luggage-y type bag, so I don't have to put the handbag in my suitcase as well.
2. Caffeine pills. Going on holiday is pretty fun, but travelling is not. Between early flights, driving to the airport and hanging around for hours, it's hard not to tire yourself out once you've arrived. I always bring a pack of these with me to keep me feeling fresh.
3. iPad. I fill my iPad with films, TV shows (Keeping Up With The Kardashians is my guilty pleasure), and e-books on the Kindle app. I try to stick to movies I've already seen and loved, as I don't think a small screen on a cramped plane is the best way to appreciate a film for the first time.
4. Purse. Sadly, this gorgeous Vivienne Westwood purse is not mine. But I always make sure my purse is well stocked with euros (or whichever currency applies), plus a few pounds just in case. I usually leave non-essential cards at home, but bring my driving license as ID.
5. Sunglasses. It was wintry in France, but it just feels wrong to not take sunglasses. I took my Ray-Ban 3447s.
6. iPhone. Obviously, I took my phone. I tend to write weird little poem things in the notes when I'm bored. My cover is this one from Nike.
7. Earphones. Self explanatory.
8. Scrunchies. It can get hot on planes, so I've always got some scrunchies to put my hair up into a bun.
9. Wide tooth comb. Mine is the Macadamia Oil Infused one. I like to give my hair a little touch up in the airport bathroom after arriving (conveniently leaving everyone else to find the bags).
10. Book. I took Jack Kerouac's The Dharma Bums. I have reading material on the Kindle app, but I like to try and take an actual book to save battery on my iPad.
12. Passport. Obviously, you're going to want to take your passport and booking information.
13. Magazine. If I know I'm going to be flying soon, I'll avoid reading Elle (my favourite glossy) so I can take it on the plane.
14. Drink. I've always got a drink in my bag for the drive to the airport. I don't drink vitamin water often, but I like to drink something to give me a boost before a flight (smoothies are good, too). Obviously I get rid of this before they scan my bag.
15. Journal and pen. I can take notes on my phone or iPad, but I like to jot down lyrics, snippets, story ideas etc in my personal journal. It's been drilled into me since I started studying writing to never go anywhere without a notepad! You can get some excellent quality ones in TK Maxx inexpensively.
16. Socks. Last, I always, always take socks. It sounds silly, but I'm not a big fan of having feet out when in such close proximity to people. Plus it's just comfier.
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