Monday 29 December 2014

Christmas Week Outfits!

I hope you all had a brilliant Christmas! This is my festive week in outfits. Note: if you're a fan of stylised shoots and magazine-style outfit photos, I'd suggest you don't read on.

 19th December - Afternoon tea at Gluttons

I'm wearing this H&M fringed blouse. I wore black skinnies, these Zara fuchsia ankle boots and a leather jacket with it.

Saturday 27 December 2014

Best of the January Sales 2015

Boxing Day. To those outside the Commonwealth, just another day in the calendar. For those of us who do observe the occasion, it might mean you get to stuff your face at another family feast. But for we avid fashion consumers, Boxing Day means only one thing: let the sales commence.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Holy Grail Hair Mask: Bleach London Reincarnation Mask

I'm a grade A miser who appreciates very little in life. I don't worship Beyonce. The Hangover wasn't that funny. Babies? Icky. I don't even like chocolate that much. So when I give a product that all-elusive HG label? It's some good shit.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Last Christmas...

Happy November, friends! Halloween is over, which can only mean one thing: CHRISTMAS! I am a total Festive Fairy, as I like to call myself ("a festive fiend, more like," my Dad chimes in).

I'm not quite putting up my decorations yet, but I wanted to share some snaps from my room at uni last year, as I was quite pleased with the way it turned out. Last year's festive season was a tough one as my nan was dying (she sadly passed on Christmas Day), so photographing the main decorations slipped my mind, but the house (my parents' house) looked beautiful.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

In Defence of the Selfie

Paddington, Liverpool, Merseyside L7 3RG, UK

When I left my phone in a clothes shop recently, my first concern was not the costs involved with buying a new one. Likewise, I didn't give much thought to my contact list or whether someone would find it and run up a large bill. My exclusive worry, the sole fear niggling away at me for the half a day it was gone, was the selfies. Oh, the selfies.

Thursday 25 September 2014

My Week in Fitting Room Selfies

top - river island, jeans - Stradivarius, shoes - topshop, bag - primark
I've been back at uni for a month now and that can only mean one thing - no good outfit photos! The lighting in my room is really awful, and the background is almost as bad, so I haven't been able to take any during that time. Soooo, I embarked on a one-woman mission to capture my outfits in fitting rooms!

Tuesday 2 September 2014

My thoughts on Ashya King

If you’re in the UK, you’ll have no doubt have heard of Ashya King. Ashya is a terminally ill five-year-old boy from the south of England, who was “kidnapped” from hospital by his parents last week. His parents decided to take little Ashya – who has just four months to live – out of hospital without doctors’ consent and flee to Spain, and have been talk of the country’s press since. They’ve since been caught and arrested, due to appear in court this week. What terrible people, the papers have screamed! What evil would do this? Here’s the thing (and this may be controversial) – I’m behind the parents 100%.

Saturday 16 August 2014

What and What Not to Take to Uni

Uni essentials

Uni essentials by freeelf featuring led candles

As lots of secondary school graduates aross the country start preparing to head off to uni next month, I've decided to put together a little 'uni essentials' post. Now, I'm sure you've checked through big lists of what to take, so I'm avoiding the obvious here.

Saturday 9 August 2014

The Great Band Tee Debate

I bought this t-shirt when I won tickets to see Wakey!Wakey! open for James Blunt at the Wolverhampton Civic. We accidentally ended up in the worst spot in the whole venue, not realising we'd won front row seats, haha (they were amazing, btw). We couldn't see a damn thing! I got Mike Grubbs to sign it, but my mom washed it so now I just wear it.

Friday 1 August 2014

Am I Anita Pallenberg yet?

For the past few months, I've been working a few days a week in an office dominated by men. It's not a huge deal, and I hadn't really paid it much attention. Until the table tennis table arrived. And with it, strangely, came the sex bias.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Social Anxiety & Uni

Next month, thousands of teenagers will find out whether they've gotten into their university of choice. For most, it's a time of great anticipation.. For others, namely the shy, socially anxious, or introverted amongst us, apprehension and worry may be more dominant emotions. As someone who suffers more than a touch of this myself, I want to offer a few practical tips.

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